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Element identification on the nanometer scale

The Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer for Helium Ion Microscopes, TSH 300, is a time-of-flight mass spectrometer that was developed as an add-on measuring instrument for special use on helium / neon ion microscopes (HIM).

It combines the excellent imaging capabilities of  a HIM with the ability to identify elements on the nm scale. One unique feature is the excellent spatial resolution: the secondary ions deliver a lateral resolution on nanometer scale.

This high resolution offers great potential for analyzes in the areas of nanoelectonics, nano- and microbiology, geosciences and materials research.


  • Mass range: 1 … 300 u
  • Mass resolution: >50:1
  • Lateral resolution: <50 nm
  • Field of view: up to 100 µm
  • Mapping resolution: 512 x 512
  • Acquisition times: 01 … 10 min. (spectra), 10 … 30 min. (maps)


The powerful add-on, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer for Helium Ion Microscopes (TSH300), is a secondary ion extraction optics with which all secondary ion masses can be measured in parallel. This reduces ion-induced influences on the sample to a minimum. The combination of high-resolution secondary electron images and laterally resolved element identification offers great potential for the analysis of nano and microstructures.

In addition, many depth profiles can be obtained by ion sputtering, which enables a look “under” the sample surface. In this way, element depth profiles of the sample can be determined. Thus, so-called end-point detection becomes available when it comes down to removing material only up to a certain interface.


  • High precision: Enables element identification on a
    nanometer scale
  • Wide range of applications: Suitable for nanoelectronics ,
    microbiology , materials research and geosciences
  • Minimal sample influence: Reduces ion induced influences
    on the sample
  • Depth profile analysis: Provides the ability to create depth
    profiles to look below ” the sample surface
  • Integrated software: Enables automated data acquisition
    and fast analysis
  • Datasheet Ion Helium Spectrometer TSH300 (286.04 KB)Download here

Application areas

The application areas for the TSH300 include all areas of materials science and material testing.

The add-on can also be used for element analysis in micro- and nanoelectronics as well as for finding tracer elements in labeled samples in micro- and nanobiological samples.

Zwei zylindrische Metallbauteile des Produkts TSH300 mit glänzender Oberfläche und mehreren Öffnungen, die zusammen mit einem Detektor für technische Anwendungen verwendet werden, auf einer hellen Fläche liegend.

What we offer

  • Delivery and installation including commissioning of the TSH300 on your helium-ion microscope
  • Software for automated data acquisition
  • Analysis software for quick and uncomplicated extraction of element distributions from the measurement data obtained
  • Training in handling this unique technique




Bernd Heirler
Tel.: 0351 260 3326

Dr. René Heller
Tel.: 0351 260 3617

Dr. Nico Klingner
Ioneninduzierte Nanostrukturen
Tel.: 0351 260 2524

Kontakt per E-Mail: tsh@hzdri.de