Our Products and Services are mainly developed and licenced by HZDR and distributed by us.

The transfer of research results to industry is our passion.
The know-how and infrastructure of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) are unique in many areas. HZDR Innovation GmbH was launched at the end of 2011 with the aim of using this potential more effectively and transferring it to industry to a greater extent.
As a spin-off of the HZDR, we realise commercial production and service orders from industry and thus contribute to better utilisation of large-scale facilities. We also promote the transfer of research results and their transformation into products in a variety of ways. In the meantime, we also offer our know-how to other universities and research institutions.
HZDR Innovation is a technology transfer company for the
HZDR Innovation GmbH is owned by HZDR and GWT-TUD GmbH.