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Up to 30 Tesla in table top setup

The measurement of physical properties under the influence of external magnetic fields is an essential part of basic research in solid-state and low-temperature physics. Whether electrical resistance, superconductivity, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, magnetisation or electronic correlations – measurements of this kind require expensive equipment or the use of user facilities. With the portable pulse micro magnet, high pulsed magnetic fields of up to 30 Tesla can be generated in your own laboratory without great effort.


Advantages & Highlights

  • Generate up to 30 Tesla in your laboratory.
  • The generator is small and portable. This means it can be set up quickly in any environment.
  • Pulse electronics fits into rack frame.
  • The magnetic pulse generator is easy on your budget and is an energy-efficient solution.
  • Coil assembly is compatible with any current systems.
  • Customization is possible according to customer requirements.

Unique features of the compact magnetic pulse generator

Magnetic Field Parameters:

  • Magnetic field range: 0 – 30 T
  • Pulse length: 1-5 ms
  • Repeatability: every 15 min

Coil and Assembly:

  • Coil inner diameter: 3 mm
  • Coil length: 10 mm
  • Assembly size: 20 mm diameter x 50 mm hights
  • Sample holder: can be manufactured

Puls electronics:

  • Voltage range: 0 – 3000 V
  • Capacitor bank: customised
  • Chassis parameters: 3 Rack Unit high, 19“

  • Operation:

  • PC control: LabView integration
  • Connection to PC: USB port

  • Measuring compatible methods:

  • Electrical Resistivity Measurements
  • Hall Effect Measurements
  • Magnetization or Torque with cantilevers
  • →


    Your contacts

    The tabletop magnetic pulse generator was developed by Dr. Manuel Brando from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden. It is exclusively licensed and distributed by HZDR Innovation GmbH.


    We would be happy to discuss your requirements with you:

    Dr. Vladimir Voroshnin (Business Development)
    Phone: +49 351 260 3944

    Bernd Heirler (Sales)
    Phone +49 351 260 3326