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Our products are innovative developments by scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Flow Measurement Technology, Torque Sensors, Radiation Detectors or Terahertz-Emitters are just a few of the promising products that we manufacture in small series on order and according to individual customer requirements or pass on as a license for series production.

Schwarzer Hintergrund mit roten Symbolen

Flow Measurement Technology

Instruments for visualization of two-phase flows

The wire mesh sensor for the imaging examination of multiphase flows with high spatial and temporal resolution is the main product in the business field of multiphase measurement technology. In addition, we offer products such as the needle probe for measuring the local gas content, the process microscope for analyzing particles and cells – even at temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius – as well as the clock box for synchronous triggering of different measuring systems in the same basic clock.

Flexible Sensors

Magnetoelectronics on ultra-thin substrates

The team “flexible magnetoelectronics” is engaged in the development of a flexible and printable magnetic field sensor (Hall effect and magnetoresistive effects). We offer novel high-performance magnetic field sensors on ultra-thin flexible substrates that have a high mechanical adaptability. Flexible and printed sensors can be applied not only to various flat but also curved objects due to their extremely thin and unconventional mechanical properties.

Fluidics Technology

Precision products for microfluidics

Precise components, connectors, threads and channel structures are required everywhere in areas of process technology, biotechnology, medical technology or sensor technology where liquids or gases are to be moved, mixed or separated in hoses or channels. We offer three independent fluidics technologies that can also be used in combination.

Impedance Chip

Dilution-free cell counting and cell monitoring

In order to determine the number of biological species such as bacteria in liquid, complex methods such as the microscopic counting of CFUs or the determination of the optical density by dilution have generally been required. With our developed process, a combination of silicon-based chip and impedance measuring device, the number of cells can be determined quickly, without dilution and optics-free.

Magnetic-field coils

Unique pieces for industrial applications

The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf is also available to external scientists as a user facility. It enables experiments in the highest pulsed magnetic fields of up to 90 Tesla. In the HLD workshop, resilient pulsed field magnetic coils are designed and manufactured to meet the highest demands. We offer this cutting-edge technology for generating high pulsed magnetic fields as individual one-off productions for industrial applications such as B. electromagnetic forming, joining and welding as well as for medical technology.

Radiation Detectors

High-resolution spectroscopy

In a clean room laboratory we can carry out the complete wafer processing for the production of individual semiconductor components for radiation detectors. The ready-to-install wafers are suitable for high-resolution alpha and beta spectroscopy and are requested by our customers, for example, as components for measuring instruments, optical diagnostic devices or monitoring technology. In environmental analysis, our radiation detectors are used, for example, to determine radon radiation.

RBS Hedgehog

High Speed High Sensitivity Ion Backscattering

Next Generation Rutherford Backscattering Equipment: High Speed High Sensitivity Ion Backscattering (HISSIB). Recently a unique experimental setup for Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry with highest solid angle was commissioned at the HZDR Ion Beam Center. We call it: The RBS-Hedgehog.


Two-Axis Rotator for rotation without limits

The two-axis rotator ROTAX is an innovative component for the precise spatial alignment of material samples during measurements under extreme conditions, such as in strong electromagnetic fields, at very low temperatures or in the smallest space. With Rotax, two rotation axes at right angles to each other can be controlled independently and simultaneously. The precise control of the sample in the measuring apparatus shortens the measuring time. The automation of the measurement enables multiple data throughput.

Abstrakte Darstellung blauer Wellen auf einem schwarzen Hintergrund, die Bewegung und Tiefe suggerieren.


A new dimension of resistance measurements

With the tensormeter, all components of the electrical resistance of thin layers, such as silicon wafers, can be measured quickly and precisely with one measurement. The tensormeter determines the complete resistance tensor of one or more thin-film samples, which would otherwise require a large number of measuring devices and complex measurement setups. In addition, the tensormeter measures precisely in high resolution and with the lowest noise without sample structuring (e.g. lithography).

Simulations software MagOpS

Modelling of magnetooptical sensorics

The simulation software MagOpS can be used to model the magneto-optical response of multilayer thin film systems with single (MagOpS SINGLE) or multiple (MagOpS MULTI) magnetizable magnetic thin films in a multilayer thin film system. For example, using MagOpS, the structure of multilayer thin film systems can be optimized for applications in magneto-optical sensorics or in optical data storage.

Abstrakte Darstellung blauer Wellen auf einem schwarzen Hintergrund, die Bewegung und Tiefe suggerieren.


Non-destructive material testing

Terahertz (THz) technology has great potential in the areas of non-destructive material testing, communication and security technology. A particularly powerful technique is the THz time domain spectroscopy, in which short THz pulses are coherently detected in amplitude and phase. The key components are efficient THz sources and low-noise detectors. We develop these components, in particular we offer large-area photoconductive emitters that allow one to conveniently produce strong THz waves upon pulsed near-infrared laser excitation.

Time-of-flight Spectrometer TSH300

Element identification on the nanometer scale

The TSH (Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer for Helium Ion Microscopes) 300 is a time-of-flight mass spectrometer that was developed as an add-on measuring instrument for special use on helium / neon ion microscopes (HIM). It combines the excellent imaging capabilities of  a HIM with the ability to identify elements on the nm scale. One unique feature is the excellent spatial resolution: the secondary ions deliver a lateral resolution on nanometer scale.

Portable Pulse Micro Magnet

Table top magnetic pulse generator up to 30 Tesla

The measurement of physical properties under the influence of external magnetic fields is an essential part of basic research in solid-state and low-temperature physics. Different measurements require expensive equipment or the use of user facilities. With the portable pulse micro magnet, high pulsed magnetic fields of up to 30 Tesla can be generated in your own laboratory without great effort.

Programs TRIDYN und TRI3DYN

Simulation in Ion Implantation

TRYDIN and TRI3DYN are programmes for the computer simulation of phenomena associated with the irradiation of planar amorphous solid surfaces as well as thin films or of any three-dimensional structures by fast atoms in the energy range of typically approx. 100 eV to approx. 100 keV. The software maps the implantation of ions and their backscattering as well as the emission of sputtered atoms, the generation of point defects and ion-induced atomic mixing in multi-component systems.