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Current projects on the way to a startup

In the spin-off phase, the scientists are given extensive support by HZDR Innovation. The first market test is done by us. By integrating into an innovation ecosystem and further support from our partners such as dresden exists or Hightech Startbahn, our spin-off projects can take their first steps. Find out more about our current spin-off projects.

Schwarzer Hintergrund mit roten Symbolen
Neue Technologie von Fluorotron ermöglicht die Entwicklung innovativer Medikamente zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung.


Molecular Radiolabeling Service

Fluorizon is a contract research organisation (CRO) which provides services for the preparation and preclinical evaluation of radiolabeled molecules (radiopharmaceuticals) to international (radio)pharmaceutical companies. Fluorizon’s unique radiolabeling technology allows molecules (e.g. drug candidates) to be rapidly radiolabeled in high yields. The data we provide to customers can be used for radiopharmaceutical development and to accelerate drug development pipelines. Fluorizon cooperates exclusively with the Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Department of Radiopharmaceutical and Chemical Biology for PET imaging experiments.

Abstrakte Darstellung blauer Wellen auf einem schwarzen Hintergrund, die Bewegung und Tiefe suggerieren.
Bild eines Tensormeters, Mit dem alle Komponenten des elektrischen Widerstands von dünnen Schichten schnell, einfach und präzise mit einer Messung erfasst werden können.

Tensormeter - the new standard of resistance measurements

Molecular Radiolabeling Service

With the tensormeter, all components of the electrical resistance of thin layers such as silicon wafers can be measures quickly, easily and precisely with one measurement. The tensormeter determines the complete resistance tensor of one or more thin-film samples, which otherwise requires a large number of measuring devices and complex measurement setups. In addition, the tensormeter measures precisely in high resolution and with the lowest possible noise without sample structuring (e.g. lithography).